Friday, February 20, 2009

NY Post chimpanzee cartoon

I have seen the NY Post cartoon with the chimpanzee that was shot dead by capitol police. The caption reads, "They'll have to find someone else to right the next stimulus bill". Now there seems to be something of a stink surrounding the cartoon because some politicians and people who call themselves community leaders are upset. They claim that the image is a blatant, racist attack of President Obama.

As a cartoonist and a libertarian I want to yell "Freedom of speech!". However, as a discerning reader I want to say, "What in the name of all that is holy were you thinking?".

In this day and age when people get their knickers in a bunch any time someone looks at them funny, it seems to me that some self-censoring might have been in order. Though I know that the cartoonist was trying to play off of the recent incident of the rampaging chimpanzee by comparing the new stimulus bill as rampaging pork, his execution was tenuous at best. And what concerns me more is that the Post's editorial staff didn't vet the piece more carefully.

All that being said, the fact is that the people most vocally "outraged" over the cartoon, are always outraged about something. They have no moral high ground. They have been "calling wolf" for decades and people no longer really listen to them. These self-proclaimed "leaders" wouldn't have anything to do if it wasn't for complaining. They would shrivel up and die. So I'm calling BS on their moral outrage.

SOURCE: AP story

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Atlas Screwed

With the massive debt that Obama's stimulus bill will incur, someone has to shoulder the burden.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

All bank transactions now in Swedish

I read that Lindsey Graham and Alan Greenspan are supporting a move to a "Swedish model" for our banks. This means nationalization of the struggling banks in this country.

My question is this: "Does this mean we get a free member of the Swedish bikini team with each new account opening?" Because that's basically all the Swedish ever gave us. Well that and the Nobel Prize and we all see how valuable that is.

Uncle Obama Wants Your Free Will

This is something I did for one of my Cafe Press designs. It's based on the famous World War I recruiting poster by James Montgomery Flagg.

Roland Burris: Typical Democrat

This stuff just keeps getting better and better. I mean for eight years the Dems kept telling us that the Republicans were the source of all the country's woes and that the Republicans had created a "swamp" (Nancy Pelosi) in the Congress. Well it seems that the party of the jackass can't even get out of the starting gate without creating a swamp of their own.

Roland Burris, the man appointed by Rod "The Rug" Blagojevich to fill the Senate seat vacated by OB when he was elected to the presidentcy, has just been found to be exactly what the Republicans and even some Dems warned against: just another corrupt Chicago politician who pays to play.

I found a Washington Post article from "The Fix" (perfect name for a Dem shill) that illuminates some of the fears that the Dems are suffering from less than a month after they forced this yahoo on the citizens of Illinois.

The beauty of this is that the Dems can no longer blame the Republicans for their problems. They seem to have no trouble creating their own.

SOURCE: Washington Post "The Fix" article

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wow, has it been that long?

I knew that it had been a while since I updated ye olde blog, but man it's been over two months. At first it was the holidays. Then last month I became a statistic when I got laid off at work. Woof. This year has already started out just splendidly. Well, I guess I can expect Emperor Obama's stimulus to pick me right up. Notice, however, that I am not holding my breath.

Anyhoo, I hope to get back on a regular schedule. I no longer work as a security guard so I am finally making the leap into my chosen field: graphic arts. I have a degree in graphic design and painting but because of family responsibilities and fear of rejection I spent my postgraduate years continuing in the securty guard business. Now I believe that the Lord is pushing me along and closing that door, so that this new door can be opened. So if any of you cares, please keep me and my family in your prayers.

So between working on my portfolio and commissions and my own personal art, I should be able to keep this up to date more often.