Here's a short animation that I made about the libs in Washington.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
MSM shows contempt for TEA parties
Yesterday across the nation ordinary citizens showed just how fed up they are with the reckless behavior of the U.S. Government. The main thrust of yesterday's TEA parties was that like in the days of the original Boston Tea Party we are being taxed without representation. What's more, our government is spending us into oblivion.
As I mentioned above these were ordinary citizens. However, you would not know that if you listened to the Mainstream Media. Initially they refused to even cover the TEA parties. Then when the story got to big to ignore they began treating the entire idea as laughable. They sneered and smirked and talked about these protesters as if they were some fringe element. And networks such as MSNBC called the participants derogatory names like “teabaggers”. For those of you that don't know it this is a reference to the male scrotum. Lovely isn't it?
A commentator on the aforementioned MSNBC treated protesters as idiots. She would make sarcastic statements about how the taxes paid by them were supporting the parks where the protests were held, and paid for the police and emergency services that oversaw the safety of the crowds. She deliberately missed the point. We are not just protesting high taxes, and we are certainly not protesting the use of those taxes on vital services. We are protesting runaway, insane spending of those tax dollars. And not only spending of the revenue the government already brings in, but spending of money we don't even have, so that our national debt is exploding and we in the thrall of nations like communist China. They even intimated that the parents that brought their children to the rallies to protest the fact that they would paying for this debt long after the parents are dead, were somehow abusing those children. It never bothered liberal anti-war protestors that would stick signs on their children with phrases like “Mr. Bush Please Don't Kill Me”.
But the most enlightening moment of all was during a CNN on-the-street interview where the reporter completely lost her professionalism and exposed something that Conservatives have said for decades: the news media is liberal. Props go to Libertarian Republican for showing the vid.
If the MSM is going to treat ordinary citizens with disdain and contempt, perhaps it's time for us to completely abandon all viewing of their product altogether.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Crazy taxers (new cartoon)

The government is positively losing its mind trying to come up with new taxes and fees to cover lost revenue. Apparently they don't realize that one of the reasons that they have lost revenue is because people aren't making enough money to cover the taxes and runaway spending that politicians and bureaucrats keep perpetuating.