Saturday, October 25, 2008

An open letter to Democrats

Dear Democrats,

I just thought that you should know that in 2006 you did not win back control of congress. I know that it may seem that way at times, especially since you have a good chance at winning the trifecta this year, but you are wrong. It was the Republicans that lost.

You may ask yourself, “What's the difference?”. The difference is that you win by having better ideas than the other guys and by capturing the hearts and minds of the electorate. That is not what happened in 2006 and it is not what is happening this year.

The thing that you don't seem to comprehend is that the majority of Americans are still center-right in their political leanings. They know that you are controlled by far left-wing groups and individuals like, Daily Kos and George Soros, as well as ninety-nine percent of Hollywood. But they were angry at the Republicans for what they had failed to do, which was shrink the size of government and cut spending. They were also angry that not only did the Republicans not decrease the size of the imperial federal government, they doubled it's size and its spending.

Now if this was the election after the 9/11 attacks, you wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected. This is because another flaw of the Democrat party is that you have a great disdain for the military. You believe that all conflict resolution should be handled by the UN. You call terrorists “freedom fighters” and give them cushy, tenured positions in your liberal colleges. And most of all most of the current Democrat party is truly anti-American. This might play well in San Fransisco or Hollywood, but not in the rest of the country.

Unfortunately, the American people are scared about their financial freedom this election. They see the damage caused by unscrupulous mortgage lenders—some of which were protected by Democrats in congress—that gave loans to people who really could not afford them and had bad credit. Unfortunately for the Republicans, they are seen as the party of the business sector and this is largely true. Also to the Republicans' detriment is the fact that the current president is a Republican and people usually blame the party of the sitting president. President bush has very low approval ratings but congress' approval ratings are much lower than his, and congress has been in your hands for the past two years. This helps to prove the case for saying that you didn't win, the Republicans lost. If the president, who is a Republican, has higher approval ratings than the Democrat controlled congress, then the only reason for your success in 2006 and your predicted success this year is that the country is really punishing the Republicans.

I say all of this to give a warning. You will not be able to get away with your extreme liberal agenda, at least not for very long. You may achieve total supremacy in both house of the legislature along with the White House and you may attempt some of your goals but in two years the entire House and a third of the Senate come up for reelection. If you overreach the American people will slap you down. In addition, the majority of the electorate are people of faith, so your secular/atheistic agenda won't fly either. Even if you win the big prize this year you may not be able to follow through on your machinations because your desire to be reelected is stronger than your agenda.

But we know you too well. You can't resist a power grab. After all for the past twelve years you have screamed that you're going to take America back, as if it were your own personal plaything. The American people own this country not one party. So watch your back. You can try redrawing electoral maps and stacking the states' AG offices and the judiciary with liberals, but Americans won't tolerate that for too long. Yours is the party of dependence on government, of welfare and redistribution of wealth, of abortion and disdain for religion and faith, and of socialism and the supremacy of the State. We don't want rationed health care or to be taxed by the UN and the rest of the world. We don't want to save the environment at the expense of our standard of living or our jobs. Sooner or later no matter what you do to try to stop the inevitable backlash, the American people will slap you back down.

The America Report

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The True American People

For decades the world has claimed that Americans are selfish and boorish. In the past it was easy for those of us firmly seated on the Right to put that down as nothing more than envy and jealousy for the standard of living and freedom that we enjoy in this country. However, as is usually the case in times of hardship the true character of a people comes out, and it certainly has reared itself here in America.

For nearly twelve years the American people put their morals ahead of selfishness. This "moral center" dictated their political choices and ushered in the Republican revolution and helped to put George W. Bush in office for two terms. But by 2006, the American people had become disillusioned by the Republicans refusal or inability to reduce the size of government and spending in general. They had also been stung by scandals that had attacked Republican politicians. The final straw (and one that the MSM gave far too much weight to) was the war in Iraq. So in November of '06 Republicans lost control of both houses of congress and the Democrat takeover began.

I have been unclear as to the ACTUAL reasons behind the shift in loyalties, vacillating back and forth between believing it was due to honest outrage and that it was simply "anybody but the Republicans". In fact I do believe that the Dems did not WIN in '06, the Republicans LOST.

But now I have a firmer grasp on what led to the ouster of the Republicans. People in this country are selfish. This was not so clear two years ago but the success of a neophyte candidate like Barack Obama has shown me that selfishness is the true dominating factor in this whole mess. We have the choice in this country between a man who served his country and nearly died TWICE doing so, or a man who spent the better part of his life disdaining America and attending a church that spewed anti-American vitriol on a regular basis. If we were living in the better times of the late '90's or early '00's I do not think that Obama would be anywhere near as popular as he is now. But we don't.

So what is it about Obama, and the Dems in general, that is convincing the majority of Americans to sweep them into unprecedented power? The Dems are promising "to spread the wealth". Somewhere along the way, probably in government schools among other places, Americans have been taught that it is the job of the imperial federal government to spread the wealth from the people who earn it to the people who didn't.

And now the Dems are couching it in terms like "fairness" and "patriotism". When you hear any politician tell you that it is your patriotic duty to share your wealth at the point of a gun with people who didn't earn it in the interest of fairness, you've walked into the land of socialism. "From each according to his means, to each according to his needs". That was Karl Marx the father of modern socialism and communism. We spent the better part of the twentieth century fighting communism and socialism around the world. But now times are tough and because the liberal politicians in this country promise people that they are going to give them something for nothing they are willing to throw away their freedoms in the hopes of a quick buck and a pacifier to suck on at night.

Oh yeah that's fair.