Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Roland Burris: Typical Democrat

This stuff just keeps getting better and better. I mean for eight years the Dems kept telling us that the Republicans were the source of all the country's woes and that the Republicans had created a "swamp" (Nancy Pelosi) in the Congress. Well it seems that the party of the jackass can't even get out of the starting gate without creating a swamp of their own.

Roland Burris, the man appointed by Rod "The Rug" Blagojevich to fill the Senate seat vacated by OB when he was elected to the presidentcy, has just been found to be exactly what the Republicans and even some Dems warned against: just another corrupt Chicago politician who pays to play.

I found a Washington Post article from "The Fix" (perfect name for a Dem shill) that illuminates some of the fears that the Dems are suffering from less than a month after they forced this yahoo on the citizens of Illinois.

The beauty of this is that the Dems can no longer blame the Republicans for their problems. They seem to have no trouble creating their own.

SOURCE: Washington Post "The Fix" article

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