Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The article, cited below, tries to equivocate the gesture with other presidents trying to appear culturally sensitive. However, never has a sitting U.S. president ever bowed as low to another foreign leader as Obama did. The article also uses the standard foreign service protocols from the State Department for department officials as either a justification or an excuse for the back breaker that B.O. pulled. However, those protocols are for foreign service personnel, including ambassadors, not for the President of the United States of America.
What makes the bow even worse is that Dems are applauding it as a friendly gesture, respecting the culture of an ally nation. However, when George W. Bush held hands with the Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah--which according to the AP is a traditional sign of friendship in the Middle East--liberals were positively apoplectic that the president would do such a thing. In fact, those bastions of "gay rights" even went so far as to make gay jokes about the gesture. But of course the Left is nothing if not hypocritical. And just so we are clear Obama did another bow to the Saudi king earlier this year.
But maybe it's inevitable that POTUS would eventually have to bow to other heads-of-state. We owe so much money to other countries that we have effectively been neutered as international power. This of course is not solely the fault of the Dems. The Republicans have a lot to answer for as well. And as long as so many Americans see it as their right to take money away from the people who earned it to give to themselves, by force of government, then our debt will continue to increase. It will not be long before we'll all be bowing before foreign masters.
SOURCE: Associated Press article
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The tea's a brewin'
Last night Americans showed President Obama and the Dems in congress just how fed up they are with their tax and spend policies. New Jersey, chafing under the heavy property taxes of John Corzine's administration, decided that they had had enough. Out with the Goldman-Sachs, in with the fiscally conservative.
Conservatives scored big in Virginia as well. They swept the top spots in the races there. And while these two races were only a blip on the map compared to next year's midterms, hopefully Conservatives will be able to build on the momentum from here on out.
Now you have may have noticed that I said Conservatives and not Republicans. Even though the winners in these races had an "R" at the end of their name, the loss in New York's 23rd Congressional District points out that it' not about party affiliation, it's about Conservatism. If there had been a primary instead of a back room appointment then I truly believe that Conservtive candidate Doug Hoffman would have won without any problems. However, the Republican old guard appointed Dierdre Scozzafava to run as the Republican on the ticket and most of the 23rd's Conservatives rebelled. When she realized she could not win, she showed her true colors and dropped out at the last minute putting her support behind the Democrat candidate, Bill Owens.
Obama and the Dems should not look at the New York election as a win. They should see it as a wake up call that Conservatives have their number and that next year may be a major turning point.
Playing catch up
Anywho I'm back hopefully.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
California is the nation's future under the Democrats
Now of course the left wing blame Reagan's tenure as governor and Conservatives in general. They like to point to 1978's Proposition 13 as the beginning of the downfall. But there's a lot more to it than that, as Time's Kevin O'Leary points out in his left-leaning article.
Prop 13 itself simply made it harder for California's traditionally liberal politicians to raise taxes. It requires a two-thirds majority vote for taxes to be raised. And even liberal taxpayers hate to have their taxes raised as Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and the legislature found out recently when their tax-laden ballot measure failed miserably. However, there is a liberal failing here--or multiple in this case--as well.
Californians love things for "free". They love water to be shipped across the desert for them and they love the freeways (although you wouldn't know it from their griping about gridlock). They love having large state grants for college students. These are liberal policies that over the years have added to a tax burden in the most populace state in the Union. And most of them have actually made the environment worse.
Californians also love direct democracy, like all Democrats, hence the name. The nation's founders knew that a direct democracy would eventually ruin the country. That's why they created a constitutional republic, with a constitution to restrict the powers of government and a representative legislature to restrict the damage that a runaway democracy would cause. It was all about checks and balances. Californians chose a direct democracy with a government that restricts freedoms instead. Talk about bass-ackwards.
One of the things that Californians are most proud of is that they are the harbingers of "change" (there's that word again) for the rest of the country. Just look at environmental legislation and make-work projects, all at the taxpayers' expense. Their senators and representatives are some of the most powerful members of congress, like Henry Waxman, coauthor of the Cap and Trade bill that just passed with nobody reading it. And then there is Nancy Pelosi who rammed through the same Cap and Trade bill so that she could go on vacation. Now they want to bring their form of liberal government to the rest of us and they have the numbers on their side in congress.
As I said in a previous post: Abandon all hope ye who live here.
SOURCE: Time article
Friday, June 26, 2009
Your new tax
On the surface the C&T will not directly affect individuals. It is only a tax on businesses that produce greenhouse gases. However businesses cannot stay in business if their costs go up but profits don't. So naturally they will pass their new expenses on to you. So if you voted for Obama, thanks loads.
To paraphrase Dante, "Abandon all hope ye who live here".
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Anyway now that things are settling down somewhat I hope to update the blog more often.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Enraged over abortion doctor killing
It doesn't surprise me that the Left would use this tragedy to stoke the flames of hatred against Christians and Conservatives and it doesn't surprise me that they would use hypocrisy to drill their message into the gullible American people. I mean their president did the same before, during and after his campaign. I mean he's the one that told everyone to just chill out over the abortion debate at Notre Dame. However, now his lackeys on the Left are decrying God-fearing Americans as terrorists and hate mongers. There was one abortionist on Anderson Cooper's 360 that said that all Prolife Christians rejoiced when Tiller was killed and that we got exactly what we wanted. Even when Cooper tried to help him modify his statement to say that maybe he didn't mean all Christians since many had come out against the killing, the monster sat there and said that that was a lie. That all Prolifers are for killing abortion providers.
The Left has declared war on free speech and Conservatives and Christians. Today will be remmebered as one of the first salvos in the war agianst the Right. It may only be rhetorical terror now, but how soon will it be before the Left begin using violence against us? And how long will we be able to survive as a nation under the onslaught of thost that hate us?
It is my opinion that America will not be safe until the Left in this country is marginalized to the point of nonexistence.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Beginning of State-controlled media
This is the first subtle step in moving the already liberal mainstream media toward government control without actually seizing the presses themselves. For the past several months liberals throughout the country have been calling for a bailout of the newspaper industry. They have used a modified "too big to fail argument" saying that they are "too important to 'democracy' to fail".
What good does a tax cut do for an industry that's not making any income to tax? This is window dressing for currying favor with the libs in government. For instance, if a newspaper decides to run an expose on corruption in government or on a liberal darling like unions, all that the government has to do is threaten the newspaper's tax cut or bailout money. Story killed.
In the interest of full disclosure the newspaper industry itself is mostly against the bailouts. But one wonders as the industry gets closer to a fundamental shift in their business model and possible shutdown, will they knuckle under and take the money?
SOURCE: Seattle Times story
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Specter finally shows his true colors
Now Dems will say that this shows that the Republican party has lost its way or that it has become too extremist. But we conservatives know that this is a tired, old, pathetic Democrat in Republican clothing that has finally pulled the costume off. He was already in a battle for his Senate seat and he had no support from true Republicans. And since he was officially in the minority party he was no longer in charge of the Senate judiciary committee. We saw after 2006 how many Republicans "retired" because they no longer were the party in power.
Some Republicans may be scared that the Dems may now have the 60 vote majority that they had long sought. But they already had that since Specter usually voted with them. Now we can dispense with the whole idea of an incumbent Republican in Pennsylvania which usually holds a lot of weight in the primaries. Now Pennsylvanian voters can vote for a true Republican and we can start bringing this country back from the brink. Or better yet, vote Libertarian.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Change to be afraid of (new animation)
Here's a short animation that I made about the libs in Washington.
MSM shows contempt for TEA parties
Yesterday across the nation ordinary citizens showed just how fed up they are with the reckless behavior of the U.S. Government. The main thrust of yesterday's TEA parties was that like in the days of the original Boston Tea Party we are being taxed without representation. What's more, our government is spending us into oblivion.
As I mentioned above these were ordinary citizens. However, you would not know that if you listened to the Mainstream Media. Initially they refused to even cover the TEA parties. Then when the story got to big to ignore they began treating the entire idea as laughable. They sneered and smirked and talked about these protesters as if they were some fringe element. And networks such as MSNBC called the participants derogatory names like “teabaggers”. For those of you that don't know it this is a reference to the male scrotum. Lovely isn't it?
A commentator on the aforementioned MSNBC treated protesters as idiots. She would make sarcastic statements about how the taxes paid by them were supporting the parks where the protests were held, and paid for the police and emergency services that oversaw the safety of the crowds. She deliberately missed the point. We are not just protesting high taxes, and we are certainly not protesting the use of those taxes on vital services. We are protesting runaway, insane spending of those tax dollars. And not only spending of the revenue the government already brings in, but spending of money we don't even have, so that our national debt is exploding and we in the thrall of nations like communist China. They even intimated that the parents that brought their children to the rallies to protest the fact that they would paying for this debt long after the parents are dead, were somehow abusing those children. It never bothered liberal anti-war protestors that would stick signs on their children with phrases like “Mr. Bush Please Don't Kill Me”.
But the most enlightening moment of all was during a CNN on-the-street interview where the reporter completely lost her professionalism and exposed something that Conservatives have said for decades: the news media is liberal. Props go to Libertarian Republican for showing the vid.
If the MSM is going to treat ordinary citizens with disdain and contempt, perhaps it's time for us to completely abandon all viewing of their product altogether.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Crazy taxers (new cartoon)

The government is positively losing its mind trying to come up with new taxes and fees to cover lost revenue. Apparently they don't realize that one of the reasons that they have lost revenue is because people aren't making enough money to cover the taxes and runaway spending that politicians and bureaucrats keep perpetuating.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Ted Stevens was railroaded
Just a few months after his loss in the Alaskan senatorial election and subsequent "conviction", the Department of Justice and a federal judge has set aside the conviction. The judge has also called for criminal contempt charges to be filed against the prosecution team from the case.
It was largely due to his indictment for the case that Stevens lost his long-held senate seat. At the time he was the longest, continuously serving Republican in the senate. It was considered by some pundits as a bellweather moment for the shift in power from Republicans to Demcrats. Considering the fact that it was largely due to this loss that the Dems were put into a near super-majority control of the senate, that I believe that liberal member of the DOJ actively sought to withhold evidence during the case to insure that he would either be voted out or convicted.
Let's hope that justice is served both criminally and politically.
SOURCE: Politico article
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Parents Television Council--A danger to liberty
That being said I had to roll my eyes today when I read that the Parents Television Council has sicced the dogs on Fox because of the Osbourne's new variety show. This is one of the groups that sit around watching a television show or a movie so that "you won't have to". People in groups like this either don't agree with people of free-will or they don't know about the channel or power buttons on their remote control.
Now it's one thing if a group of concerned parents ban together to help other like-minded parents to filter what their own children see. It's quite another thing when these groups are too lazy to turn the channel or better yet turn off the TV altogether. When the latter is the case these types of organizations tend to try to use the police powers of the government to force networks and stations to stop showing content that they find objectionable. The interesting thing about these kinds of groups is that there are similar groups on both sides of the political aisle. However, they are equally dangerous.
For every conservative group like the Parents Television Council, there are at least an equal number of liberal groups, like Newshounds ("We watch Fox [News] so you don't have to"), that pop up on the left. They are both dangerous to free-speech, especially when they try to force a network to pull a show using the government as a tool, or when they try to recreate the falsely named "Fairness Doctrine" to allegedly give equal time to opposing viewpoints. One tries to eliminate what they feel is objectionable programming outright. The other tries to manipulate the rules in such a fashion as to make it nearly impossible to air content due to oppressive regulation and the need to give all opposing views equal air time, whether or not sponsors will buy time for those views or not. Both are dangerous in a free society because they stifle free expression.
SOURCE: E! Online article
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Hollow Man II: President Obama (new cartoon)

President Hollow Man, er I mean Obama. We have heard some hollow, if not downright duplicitous promises from President Obama since he took office. It seems that it has taken its toll.
Friday, March 13, 2009
DNC attacks a patriot
However, being financially responsible and paying off an already existing debt doesn't sit well with them. Some Republicans have learned from the mistakes of the party's past. The Dems apparently didn't.
SOURCE: CNN article
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Butcher's Bill (update)
- Vivek Kundra; appointed last week Chief Information Officer by the Obama administration; killed due to "an ongoing investigation" by the Feds (his former office in the District of Columbia Chief Technology Office was raided today)
- Charles Freeman; killed
- Tom Dashcle; killed
- Nancy Killefer; killed
- New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson; killed
- U.S. Attorney Gen. William Holder; wounded
- Timothy Geithner; wounded
- Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel; wounded
- Senior Adviser David Axelrod; wounded
- Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett; wounded
- Leon Panetta; wounded
- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; wounded
- William Lynn; wounded
SOURCE: Politico story on Vivek Kundra
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Butcher's Bill
- Charles Freeman (former ambassador to Saudi Arabia); nominated to to be the chairman of the National Intelligence Council; killed due to strong anti-Israeli views and close ties to the Chinese and Saudis (including the Bib Laden family)
- Tom Dashcle (former Senate majority leader); nominated to be Secretary of Health and Human Services; killed due to unpaid taxes
- Nancy Killefer; nominated to be deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget; killed due to failure to pay employment taxes on household help (D.C. placed a tax lean on Killefer’s, $1.7 million home in Northwest Washington in 2005 for failure to pay the taxes)
- New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson; Commerce secretary; killed due to federal investigation into “pay-to-play” allegations
- U.S. Attorney Gen. William Holder; wounded due to his support for the early release of FALN terrorist bombers and the pardon of Marc Rich
- Timothy Geithner, (former president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank that failed to head off the Wall Street meltdown); wounded due to his failure to head off the Wall street meltdown and unpaid taxes
- Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel; wounded due to former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich scandal
- Senior Adviser David Axelrod; wounded due to former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich scandal
- Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett; wounded due to former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich scandal
- Leon Panetta (former Clinton administration chief staff); nominated to be CIA director; wounded due to lack of intelligence experience
- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; wounded due to possible conflict of interest with her husband's foundation
- William Lynn; wounded because despite Obama’s “no lobbyists” pledge, he selected the former Raytheon executive and lobbyist to serve as the No. 2 official in the Pentagon. Raytheon is a major Pentagon contractor
Presidential transition and policy expert James P. Pfiffner, author of The Modern Presidency, tells Newsmax that Obama’s nomination mishaps have been somewhat greater than normal for an incoming president, particularly regarding tax issues.The errors suggest flaws in the Obama team’s vetting process, he says, and adds that the stumbles are worrisome given the high expectations for good governance created by Obama himself.
Pfiffner, a public policy professor at George Mason University, says he finds Obama’s missteps all the more surprising given what he viewed as an extraordinarily effective presidential transition.
SOURCE: Newsmax article on Ambassador Charles Freeman
SOURCE: Newsmax article on other nominees
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Daily Lowlights
SOURCE: Washington Times story
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Daily Lowlights
- 28 % of all giving is given by the top 2% of income earners. However, the Obama administration wants to cut out the deduction for charitable giving for these donors. Treasury Secretary Geithner says that he can think of no better way to improve charitable giving than to stimulate the economy. Of course the problem with that thinking is the money comes from the same taxpayers that they claim to be helping.
- Union bosses for the AFL-CIO meet in a $400.00 a night hotel for their meeting about taking away worker's rights. That means that they are using union dues to pay for the same type of extravagant accommodations for which they have repeatedly chastised CEOs.
- Congress wants to spend Millions of taxpayer dollars on tattoo removal for gang members and for keeping the stink of pig waste down.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
The Republicans are still the best option
The fact is that the Republicans screwed up royally. They were more concerned about maintaining a semblance of power so that they betrayed the fiscal responsibility that got them elected in the first place. And I still say to this day that the Democrats didn't win the 2006 and 2008 elections; the Republicans lost. In fact, you could say that they went out of their way to lose.
But this is a new year. The new congress and the president have been in control for a little over a month and things are worse now than they were before. The stock market continues to decline because investors are worried about the socialist moves that the new government has begun to put in place. And the only answer that the Democrats offer is more government spending, more regulation and higher taxes on the high achievers--the ones that provide most of the jobs in this country. The thing that the Republicans warned against has come to pass. So now what do we do?
The only thing to do is reelect the Republicans in 2010. They aren't perfect but hopefully they have been sufficiently chastised that they will not make the same mistakes again. We should redouble our efforts to show that the Democrat plans are not only counterproductive, but are in fact harmful. We should take the high road and not issue juvenile personal attacks. We should modernize, not hip hop-ize the party. We should use the same techniques (i.e. internet video, blogging, email campaigns, etc.) as the Dems, without stooping to the same type of false accusations and mindless repetition of talking points. We have the facts on our side. It's time that we use modern campaigning techniques and technologies to get our message out.
And once we are back in control we need to put the party's feet to the fire to make sure that they don't make the mistakes of the past or come up with new mistakes that they can make. This is too important.
We also need a special 10th amendment commission to explore ways to return power to the states. The size and power of the federal government are truly unconstitutional. We must challenge the big government types on this. They claim that they are supporting and defending the Constitution but they do the exact opposite of what they say.
Winning in 2010 is going to be harder because the Left has decided to politicize the census by putting it under the control of the White House. They are also bantering about the atrociously name "Fairness Doctrine". And some of the higher taxes on the job providers that I mentioned earlier won't go into effect until 2011. That means that even if we win in 2010, by the time we take control of the congress these oppressive taxes will start to ruin the economy even further.
Personally I would like to see a more libertarian form of government. But truthfully the Libertarian Party doesn't stand much chance of winning a national election campaign. There are still too many people in this county that want a nanny government to take care of them, than want liberty. The Republicans aren't the perfect choice but they are still the best option that we have. The more we can move the party toward constructivist, libertarian policies the better the county will be for it.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Left savages Jindal
Now I don't care really what Matthews or Olberman say. Both of them have been salivating ever since Obama gave his speech at the 2004 Democrat National Convention. Any day now I expect one of them to collapse in rapture over their president.
What made me angry was the responses by the commentators on the Politico article. Most could not get ablove childish remarks about Jindal's personal appearance. They claimed that he was trying to ape the appearance of president by having the walk-out of the Louisiana govenor's mansion. They also made remarks about how thin and stiff he was.
Now let us not forget that Obama was doing the same thing before after the election, but before he was actually sworn into office. Remember the "Office of the President-elect" shield that he would have on his podium when he made a speech? There is no such thing as the "Office of President-elect" but the Dems are all government educated so you can't really expect much. And even before the election he and his handlers were doing everything they could with their marketing skills to make the neophyte politician look presidential. We even had the famous redesign of the presidential seal that was leaked from the campaign.
And Obama is thin and stiff, despsite what Entertainment Tonight and the other admirers tell ad nauseam. But I have gone out of my way since I started this blog to not make personal attacks (i.e. attacks on the personal appearance) on the Democrats. Now I make no bones about the fact that they are misguided and in many cases they have no common sense. But to make fun of someone because of their appearance is just juvenile. And it's the kind of thing that they used to argue against Republican candidates when they would say things like, "Americans are tired of personal attacks".
We Conservatives know that it will be a long four years. But we should do what the Dems keep saying that they are going to do. We should stand above personal attacks, and attack them on their policies. After all, there's plenty to attack.
The sorry state of the Union
Today I was watching CNBC and I saw Rep. Spencer Bacchus from my state, Alabama. He said something that is going to become a battle cry for Conservatives for the next four years.
"The government never solved anything by throwing more money at it."We have known this for years. Look at the government school system. Every time we get a liberal president and congress we see the budget for government education explode. And every time it's like throwing money down a bottomless hole. It makes liberals think good about themselves and it placates some voters. But when everything is said and done it's just a useless waste of time. It always will be as long as teacher's unions are allowed to set policy.
Another example is the nation's infrastructure. When tax money goes to states and local communities, ostensibly to improve roads, bridges and levees, politicians, conservative and liberal alike, spend that money on pet projects. There was the instance in New Orleans where the local government spent infrastructure money meant for the levees on a fountain. A few years later Hurricane Katrina slammed into NO and the rest is history.
Just a few years ago there was the bridge collapse that was caused by stress fatigue and age. The money that should have been spent repairing that preexisting bridge was instead spent on building new structures just so politicians could get their names placed on them. And again people died.
In other words you have to change what you are doing to improve, not just throw money at it.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Al Sharpton causes a cold day in hell (new cartoon)

The new "octomom" delivers (new cartoon)

Friday, February 20, 2009
NY Post chimpanzee cartoon
As a cartoonist and a libertarian I want to yell "Freedom of speech!". However, as a discerning reader I want to say, "What in the name of all that is holy were you thinking?".
In this day and age when people get their knickers in a bunch any time someone looks at them funny, it seems to me that some self-censoring might have been in order. Though I know that the cartoonist was trying to play off of the recent incident of the rampaging chimpanzee by comparing the new stimulus bill as rampaging pork, his execution was tenuous at best. And what concerns me more is that the Post's editorial staff didn't vet the piece more carefully.
All that being said, the fact is that the people most vocally "outraged" over the cartoon, are always outraged about something. They have no moral high ground. They have been "calling wolf" for decades and people no longer really listen to them. These self-proclaimed "leaders" wouldn't have anything to do if it wasn't for complaining. They would shrivel up and die. So I'm calling BS on their moral outrage.
SOURCE: AP story
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
All bank transactions now in Swedish
My question is this: "Does this mean we get a free member of the Swedish bikini team with each new account opening?" Because that's basically all the Swedish ever gave us. Well that and the Nobel Prize and we all see how valuable that is.
Uncle Obama Wants Your Free Will

This is something I did for one of my Cafe Press designs. It's based on the famous World War I recruiting poster by James Montgomery Flagg.
Roland Burris: Typical Democrat
Roland Burris, the man appointed by Rod "The Rug" Blagojevich to fill the Senate seat vacated by OB when he was elected to the presidentcy, has just been found to be exactly what the Republicans and even some Dems warned against: just another corrupt Chicago politician who pays to play.
I found a Washington Post article from "The Fix" (perfect name for a Dem shill) that illuminates some of the fears that the Dems are suffering from less than a month after they forced this yahoo on the citizens of Illinois.
The beauty of this is that the Dems can no longer blame the Republicans for their problems. They seem to have no trouble creating their own.
SOURCE: Washington Post "The Fix" article
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Wow, has it been that long?
Anyhoo, I hope to get back on a regular schedule. I no longer work as a security guard so I am finally making the leap into my chosen field: graphic arts. I have a degree in graphic design and painting but because of family responsibilities and fear of rejection I spent my postgraduate years continuing in the securty guard business. Now I believe that the Lord is pushing me along and closing that door, so that this new door can be opened. So if any of you cares, please keep me and my family in your prayers.
So between working on my portfolio and commissions and my own personal art, I should be able to keep this up to date more often.