Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Obama can’t take a legal “no” for an answer

It seems that President Obama can't take no for an answer, even when comes as a legal order from a federal judge. After Judge Martin Feldman issued an order that lifted the administration's insane moratorium on offshore drilling, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar said that he would issue a "reworded" order to ban drilling for a six month period of time.

Not only has the president wasted nearly two months golfing while oil spilled from a single oil rig, he makes the mistake of killing off more jobs by closing down all of the other deep water rigs. The judge compared this to grounding every airplane because one crashes.

Or maybe it wasn't a mistake. Considering how capricious this order was and the fact that the president is willing to violate a legal order from a federal judge just to get his way it seems like he may be deliberately allowing this situation to continue for his own political reasons. Especially since this is mostly the government's fault to begin with. Certainly the oil companies are no saints, but the government has been lax in its oversight. Now it suddenly wants to take the reins and do so in the most asinine and over reactive way possible? Something smells and it's not just the crude oil some forty miles south of where I am writing this.

The Dems have argued that this is all Bush's fault for lack of oversight. Again the liberal's favorite boogeyman rears his head. However, Obama has been in office over a year and a half, and the Dems have controlled both houses of congress since 2006, and they have failed to do any better than they claim the Republicans did.

So far, outside of the inane ban on drilling, what has been the administration's big answer to the problem? They renamed the Minerals Management Service, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement. These idiots are so inefficient they went from a three word name to a six word name. That's double the amount of paper that would be required to print letterheads and business cards with the moniker. Oh the poor trees.

How about this for the new name: Bureau of Nonsensical Energy Regulation, or BONER for short.




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